
Community Guidelines


Welcome to the Sway Community! We built this platform to allow more people to be heard. In order for there to be effective communication, both parties must first listend. Let’s use Sway to build together.

Healthy & Safety Update: As our society continues to navigate the public health emergency that is COVID-19, we want to make sure that our Community Guidelines protect people from harmful content and new types of abuse related to COVID-19. With your help, we will work to remove content that has the potential to contribute to real-world harm, including through our policies prohibiting coordination of harm, hate speech, bullying and harassment and misinformation that contributes to the risk of imminent violence or physical harm. As the situation evolves, we continue to look at content on the platform, assess speech trends, and engage with experts, and will provide additional policy guidance when appropriate to keep the members of our community safe during this crisis.

TLDR We want Sway to continue to be an authentic and safe place for inspiration and expression. Help us foster this community. Respect everyone on Sway. Don’t troll, don’t spam people and don’t post inappropriate content. Always follow the law, hear other people out and know that it’s okay to agree to disagree.

Note: The views, opinions and thoughts expressed on Sway are those of the Creator (also known as Moderator, Opponent or Guest) and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sway or its subsidiaries. Any content provided by our Creators are their opinions, and are not intended to malign any individual, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, entity or protected class. Sway does not support the intentional dissemination of misinformation, disinformation or malinformation.

Slightly Longer Version Sway aims to mirror society – a diverse community of cultures, ages, and beliefs. We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the different points of view that create a safe and open environment for everyone.

We created the Community Guidelines so you can help us foster and protect this amazing community. By using Sway, you agree to these guidelines and our Terms of Use. We’re committed to these guidelines and we hope you are too. Overstepping these boundaries may result in deleted content, disabled accounts, or other restrictions.

Remember to post authentic content, and don’t post anything you’ve copied or collected from the Internet that you don’t have the right to post. This means that we reserve the commercial right to use content created on Sway to promote the platform, increase brand awareness, drive listenership and/or entice individuals or groups to download the platform. We will NEVER use, share or save content that was created in a private session.

FUN: Let’s be honest, that’s the main reason we join most new apps these days. Either that, or because enough of our friends have told us that we have to be there. Either way, if you’re not having fun, we’re doing something wrong. And fun comes in different forms – winning a debate, learning something new, laughing at a point of view, etc. We’ll let you decide what’s fun – and listen to your feedback to continue to give you more of it.

RESPECT: We’re here for you, all of you, literally and figuratively. No matter what side of the aisle you sit. And while we continue to rack our brains on ways to encourage and facilitate respectful conversations, please be mindful of your language, tone and vocabulary. We’re not asking you to make best friends, but let’s not leave with more enemies than you had before.
Basically, follow the law. Sway is NOT a place for: terrorism, organized crime, hate groups, hate speech, buying or offering sexual services, buying or selling firearms, alcohol, tobacco products, non-medical / pharmaceutical drugs, credible threats, fake threats, degrading groups individuals, shaming groups or individuals, sharing personal information, blackmailing, harassment, encouraging violence, attacking anyone based on their race, ethnicity, national origina, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities, diseases, encouraging or urging people to embrace self-injury… just to name a few. Again, we do not support or tolerate any of the above.

SUPPORT: Now, we had to resist the urge to shout from the rooftops that we’re a creator-first platform. It's risky and we still live in a capitalist society. But let’s be honest, our Creator Terms & Conditions are pretty favorable. As listeners, we ask that you consider tipping, liking and sharing positive comments to show your support. Creators have the option of determining what and how they want to monetize their content, not just on Sway, but everywhere. And for many of us, positive feedback is just as helpful and inspiring as a ticket sold.

CLARITY: Staying on subject is easier said than done, we know. But, to help all parties involved, we’ve made it so that you have to create the topic in which you want to Sway about and select a category. This will help us make better recommendations for listeners and help you better-understand your audience as a creator.

TRANSPARENCY: Sounds simple, right? But you’d be surprised how many people’s sole mission in life is to troll. Not judging, but kinda. All we ask is that you’re transparent and honest about your intentions on our platform. It will go a long way and actually help you find your tribe by managing expectations.

FLAGGING: The Sway team is working diligently to make the platform as safe as possible, while delivering an engaging and authentic conversation experience. We also want you, the listeners, to be aware and feel empowered to flag anything that you think breaks our guidelines and does not have a place in the forum. Please Note: As unique individuals, our threshold for sensitive content may vary widely. This means that you may still hear content you don’t like, but doesn’t violate the Community Guidelines. In those instances, please let us know and we’ll work to curate a better listening experience for you.


For more information, check out our Terms of Use.

Thank you for helping us create one of the best communities in the world,

-The Sway Team